In what cases
The suspension of studies must be requested in order to enroll in programs that are incompatible with the university career:
- Medical specialization school
- Military school or academy
The application must be submitted via
When enrolling in an incompatible path
How much does it cost?
Virtual stamp duty of 16 euros
When it becomes effective
After the payment of the stamp duty, a message from the operator formalizes the suspension of the university career
Bear in mind that
The suspension must be requested for a period equal to the normal duration of the course in which the student intends to enroll.
During the period of suspension, the student is not required to pay university fees and will not be able to carry out any academic activity.
The student can request the revocation of the suspension (in case of renunciation of enrollment in the path incompatible with the university career), by subjecting himself to the payment of fees and delays for the a.y. for which he had requested the suspension (fill in the request).
The career is automatically reactivated starting from the academic year following those for which the suspension was requested.
At the end of the suspension, the student resumes his university career exactly as if the suspension had not occurred.